Rock Your Retirement!

Are You Someone who Is about to Retire or Is Newly Retired ... and Worried?


Are you feeling:


  • Uncertainty about the future: Stress over unfulfilled career or personal goals and the perception of time running out to achieve them.


  • Loss of Identity: The fear of losing a professional identity and a sense of purpose after leaving a long-held career.

  • Social Isolation: Worrying about losing daily social interactions with colleagues and feeling lonely or disconnected.


  • Boredom: Anxiety about having too much free time and not knowing how to fill the hours meaningfully.


  • Reduced Influence: The dread of losing influence and feeling irrelevant or undervalued without a professional role.


If you are experiencing these outcomes, you are not alone. These are all very common symptoms  experienced by those approaching retirement! This is absolutely NOT an inspiring outcome!

AND ...

There IS a solution that I guarantee:

My signature 5-week program:  "Rock Your Retirement!"





Did you know that retirees are more likely to experience depression when
compared to those who are still working?            --
National Library of Medicine


Let's Change These Statistics!

When you watch the video below, you will understand the deep passion and purpose I have as a Life Transition Coach to inspire and teach others to retire with courage, confidence, and a sense of purpose. 

There is NO deeper regret than living an unfulfilled life. 

After learning about and witnessing some of my friends pass away only 6 months after retiring, I've made it my mission to end retiring with regrets!




 This is a priceless opportunity to get 100% clear with the vision you want to create or recreate for 2025. 


Retirement is about so much more than just financial planning, and I am here to lead the way for you to drop the doubts, and extinguish the fear and uncertainty.

"With over 50 years of being a mental health professional as a hypnotist, counselor, and coach, I have witnessed countless lives transformed. 

My unique approach transcends traditional therapy and coaching modalities.

I believe in harnessing the power of both the conscious and subconscious mind, blending evidence-based interventions with mindfulness practices and ancient wisdom traditions."


Let this course not only add years to your life but life to your years!



        What Our Program Grads Have to Say:


 "Your program has helped me to take total charge of my life.  It has given me the confidence

to make the  necessary changes. I now successfully set and reach new goals

in my quest for inner peace and tranquility.

                                         Thank you for all that your program has taught me about myself."         - J.P.                                                                       


 "I left today’s Program-session really feeling good.

I feel at peace with myself, very relaxed and looking forward to tomorrow.

I want to be sure you know how much I appreciate and value our work

together.  Such a gift you have."                     ~ R.D.

"You have helped me to find peace and satisfaction in my life.

I have never experienced anything like it!

Nothing has ever come close to producing the positive results

your Program provided in my life."         ~ T.W .




 OVER $1300 TOTAL VALUE:  YOU pay $497 


                   The cost of less than a weekend getaway could potentially change or even save your life!
                   Let this be the investment that could change everything. 


         What's Included in the Private Intake Session BONUS (Value over $297):

                   When you purchase this program, you will receive a complimentary one-on-one private
                   intake session with me to review and go in-depth into your Retirement Success Profile (RSP).       

                   The Retirement Success Profile™ identifies personal strengths and areas of focus across
                   15 retirement success factors that closely affect retirement transition and planning.
                    Across each of these factors, the Retirement Success Profile™ measures Expectation,
                    Present Behavior, and Variance.    

                    The Expectation Score provides a measure of your overall attitude toward retirement and   
                    how prepared you expect to be for your retirement transition as compared to others who
                    have taken the assessment.    

                    The Present Behavior Score reveals how prepared you are right now for your retirement
                    transition as compared to others who have taken the assessment.   

                    The Variance Score provides a measure of the difference between your expectations and
                    your current preparation for retirement across each of the 15 success factors. These scores
                    pinpoint which areas require the most focus from you in planning for a fulfilling retirement.  

                    Upon completion of the Retirement Success Profile™, you receive a comprehensive report
                    outlining your assessment results. The report provides very personal data unique to YOU,
                    and measures where you are in your retirement transition preparation. This level of 
                    personal insight cannot be obtained anywhere else.


 The value of taking this course is truly priceless; 

 the investment is $497.00 








Even a 5% shift in your current direction can lead you to a brand new future.

One you may not even have dreamed possible. 





* If you are not 100% satisfied with what you receive in this course after full participation, I will work with you until you get the results outlined in the "Transformations to Expect" area (above).  

If you have additional questions, please get in touch:

Are you ready to "Rock Your Retirement!"?

Are you ready to say "good-bye" to --

  • Relationship strain
  • Adapting to change
  • Purpose and meaning
  • Lack of routine
  • Reduced influence
  • Boredom
  • Social isolation
  • Loss of identity

Now you CAN! Join our special "Rock Your Retirement! Program" and say good bye to

  • fears
  • stress
  • depression
  • apprehension
  • uncertainty

associated with thoughts about retirement

Get in during the "Rock Your Retirement!" Program's Pilot phase and SAVE! It's just


for the 5-week Program. PLUS receive a Special Bonus of our Retirement Success Profile (RSP), complete with an interpretation session with Dr. Marlene.

Save today -- it can all be YOURS -- when you purchase NOW!

Just click the button below:

Get In NOW!